When I was growing up in my home church, I got to discover that many of our churches lack good production of music just because our leaders are of old age and never mind if you are musically oriented or not because of the old times of clapping and ringing bell during praise and worship sessions. But, later after the exposure of some university graduates, the church took a different shape and view. though they accused us that we were introducing the world (secular music) into the church (LOL), But Lo and behold our instruments were changed and new life begins, both young and old wanted to know what music is and the life in it.
Music as a tool for entertainment and spiritual weapon has made a great change in our society to the extent that there is nothing you do on planet earth that we can't find a song for.
If you love music then you love life but if not, then I think life might be boring and even Christian life might be a little bit boring too.
I always love music, I teach Music and I dream music. It might not actually be my ministry but its my passion.
Hear it, Sing it , Dream it. But make sure it is a kind of music that makes a positive influence in you. Love you all

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