Christmas vs. Xmas

Its a long time, I missed you guys bug i need share this with you. My Christmas celebration was a great one and a great experience for me as it was the first time to celebrate it in the northern part of my country Nigeria with my friends. A lot of food, meats, barbeque, chin chin and drinks with a jokes, carol and love songs amidst friends. It was a great day. But a question pumped up in my heart as we celebrate and jubilate this season. Why will people call Christmas "Xmas". 
It is a dishonor in my sight for us to replace " Christ" with "X". Christ minus Christmas is equal to mad (Christmas - Christ = Mas). "Mas" according to Merriam-Webster dictionary means "someone's mum". Which does not relate to the joy of the world at this season.
The " X" in place of Christ is the trick of the devil to erase Christ away from Christmas, and Christ out of Christmas as the equation above is nonsense. Please don't join in calling Christmas Xmas, Christ will never be cancelled out of Christmas. He is the reason for this season and for the life we have in Christ. His coming to this world is what gives us access to be sons and daughters of God not slaves. "The name of the Lord is a strong tower, it gives safety" but where you see "X" you know its a rejected domain.
I beseech you to enjoy this season and see reason for celebrating Christ and not "X". Love you more and wish you a prosperous year in advance.

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