It's a new season, a new boat, a new journey and i am honoured to welcome you into the flight of 2018.
God in His mercy has created each and every one of us with something on our inside. I am bold to tell you that nobody on earth is empty. Its either you are ignorant of it or you've succeeded I recognising yours. And that thing inside us is by God and for God, no more, no less. Our hearts have been individually fashioned by God. Each one of us is special. When you look in a regular toolbox, you find many different kinds of tools, each one designed for a specific purpose. Inside a typical toolbox you may find a hammer, screwdriver, small saw, tape measure, or even a level of some kind. Each tool has a specific purpose. Using them for something other than the purpose they have been designed for usually results in failure. Likewise, using God's gift upon your life for self is a failure to God.
God created you specially to specially use His special gift and talent specially given to you in a special way to His special people. Don't ever think you are the one doing it, He allows it. Don't ever think you are little, He is working on you. Don't ever think you are empty, He refills you. You are too special to His to the extent that He can't do without you and You can't do without Him.
So, give your all to Him and let Him use you in a special way in this year to achieve a special and successful set goal. Happy new year. Love you always.

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