You are loaded; keep loading...

The use of our brain is very crucial. Most times we get ourselves busy thinking all kinds of things that affect our emotions and we end up reacting to life as if it's not worth living. Life is sweet and the Holy book says "as a man thinks, so he is".
 You can never be more than what you think. 

Research shows that an average human uses 10% of his/her brain, then I ask myself, what happens to the remaining 90%?
Friends, we can enlarge the capacity of our brain by: 
• Exercising it through thinking (right thinking): Exercise encourages your brain to work at optimum capacity by causing nerve cells to strengthen their interconnections and protect them from damage. 
• Consume animal-based omega-3 fats: Omega-3 fats such as DHA are considered essential because your body cannot produce it, and must get it from your daily diet. DHA-rich foods include fish, liver, and brain, DHA is also an essential structural ingredient of breast milk, which is believed to be a major reason why breastfed babies consistently score higher on IQ tests than formula-fed babies.
• Get enough sleep
• Use coconut oil
• Take vitamin D
• Optimize your gut flora
• Take vitamin B12
• Listen to music.
See, the truth is that you are too loaded to be useless. You can afford not to make sense out of the nonsense life might be presenting to you. You are too loaded to live anyhow or to accept life anyhow. Sit down and think outside the box. Enlarge your brain capacity. Keep loading yourself in reading exercise and put what you read into practice. YOU ARE BETTER THAN THIS. Love you.

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